Step 1. Browse.
Have fun looking through our rental collection.
Use our online Filters like Size, Occasion & Style to make this easier to view the range for you.
Step 2. Hire.
Once you have found a rental. Please select the date of wearing rental and add to cart then checkout. There is multiple payment methods online to choose from.
On the week of hire we will get your rental out as early as we can for you. Normally 1- 4 days before your date of wear.
If you are travelling to your event and you need a day before please choose this date online.
Please read our terms and conditions.
When you receive your hire please read and keep the information card for return so that you are familiar with timing.
The bag you received hire in is compostable.
At every step of the hire if you have any question’s please contact us.
Step 3. Wear.
The very best part – we hope that your event is amazing and that you enjoy wearing your LOVE ME RENT ME hire x
Remember to take pics and tag us.
Step 4. Return.
We help with all rental return’s.
Please place unwashed rental in return bag.
All you need to do is text us the details required which are noted on the return information card supplied.
Please text this information through the day after wearing hire so that we can book NZ Couriers to collect.
For example - wear Saturday/ text us Sunday/collection Monday unless of a public holiday. This will be from a home or work address. You will not need to be home just leave parcel somewhere safe like letterbox/door/reception etc.
If you are rural we can supply depot address to drop too. There are 100’s across NZ and we will find the nearest one for you. Just text us.
Please note late fees will apply of $20.00 per day if contact is not made as above as delays will affect the next hire of the rental.
We do not use NZ postal service for returns as similar delays can occur.
We use NZ courier’s overnight service which is covered in the $15.00 shipping cost paid by you at check out.